This course is sponsored in part by the Public Architecture and Design Research Institute (PADRI). In the first two years, the curriculum abstracted several components of Architecture (The site, the tectonics, the program) and separated the work at different scales. The third year aims to combine the different components of Architecture and have the students work at different scales. While the first two years had a modernist approach ( take one element of the Vitruvian triad as the design agenda), the third year will have students take both a pre-modernist approach, where Architecture and engineering issues are treated at the same time ( as it is the case in Vitruvius or Alberti treaties, which talk about proportion), and a postmodern approach where program is multiple, complex, hybrid, and the occasion of design manipulation.
The first year focussed on the relation between buildings – outside-in (ARCH 1101) – or the constructive aspect of Architecture – inside out (ARCH 1102) – and the second year focussed on how the large scale informed the architecture Design whether in the horizontal dimension (ARCH 2103) or the vertical dimension (ARCH 2104). During the first semester of the third year, students will work at both large scale and smaller scale, both from inside-out and outside-in, both with the site and the program, both with tectonics and typological issues.
Grace Yixuan Lin 林祎萱
Sugar (Sun Baiqianqian) 孙柏芊芊
Kyle Yuzhang Su 苏俞彰
Zheng Weihan 郑鏏涵
Nancy Xiaoyu Zhang 张小雨
Shipley Xinyu Wang 王新宇
Martha (Yawen Zheng)郑雅文
Vickey Siqi Xiong
Eason Xuanrun Yi 易炫润
Anita (Haozhuo Wu) 吴昊卓
Kiki (Li Yanqi) 李延琪
Vink Jiawei Dou 窦嘉玮
Jamie (Zhang Yuxuan) 张雨萱
Serafina (Yuan Xuting) 袁栩婷
Vickey (Jinyu Li) 黎金羽
Lucas (Jiayi Yang)
Lance H
Paino Wuji Zhang 张无疾
Luiz (Li Bo) 李博
Robin (Yin Yun)殷韵
Samansa (Xiaofei Chen) 陈晓菲
Ethan (Yi Yuan) 袁毅
Finn (Zhang Yixuan) 张翌轩
Henry (Liu Yonghao) 刘永昊
Ollie (Sihan Zhu)